


電路學2024春季班 Electronic Circuits 2024 Spring

即時訊息 Message:

期末考 閱卷 6/13 (Thu) 18:30-20:00 EE2-143

Final exam paper review 6/13 (Thu) 18:30-20:00 EE2-143

電路學閱卷時間 Quiz Paper Review:

時間 Time: 6/13 18:30 - 20:00

地點 Location: EE2-143




*You can ask your classmates to help you review the exam papers.

*The grades will be released on COOL.

*The grades cannot be changed after quiz paper review.

第一次小考成績分布 Quiz1 Grade Distribution

第二次小考成績分布 Quiz2 Grade Distribution

第三次小考成績分布 Quiz3 Grade Distribution

第四次小考成績分布 Quiz4 Grade Distribution

期末考成績分布 Final Grade Distribution



考試座位表 Quiz Seating Chart


If you can't find yourself in the charts, please contact the course TA and managing TA

忠幟班(Prof. Wu) 考試地點(Location): BL-113, EE2-105

藝璘班(Prof. Kim) 考試地點(Location): EE2-105

耀銘班(Prof. Chen) 考試地點(Location): EE2-106, EE2-229

奕君班(Prof. Cheng) 考試地點(Location): EE2-145, EE2-229


課程資訊 Course Information

上課時間 Time:每週四 Thu 13:20~14:10;每週五 Fri 10:20~12:10 

授課教師 Instructor:

  • 吳忠幟教授 Chung-chih Wu
    • 上課地點 Classroom:BL 113
    • 辦公室 Office:EE2 346
  • 金藝璘教授 Katherine A. Kim
    • 上課地點 Classroom:Gontong 103
    • 辦公室 Office:EE2 336             
  • 陳耀銘教授 Yaow-Ming Chen
    • 上課地點 Classroom:EE2 106
    • 辦公室 Office:EE2 408  
  • 陳奕君教授 I-Chun Cheng
    • 上課地點 Classroom:EE2 145
    • 辦公室 Office:MD 621


課程助教 TA

大助教 Managing TA:陳柏瑞 / f08943072@ntu.edu.tw

忠幟班 Prof. Wu:王佩璇/ r10943032@ntu.edu.tw

藝璘班 Prof. Kim:Selin Bagci/ d09921018@ntu.edu.tw

耀銘班 Prof Chen:黃啟元/ f11921029@ntu.edu.tw

奕君班 Prof. Cheng:陳世鵬/ r12941088@ntu.edu.tw

Office Hours

星期一(Mon):14:00~16:00, EE2 333/王珮璇 助教

星期二(Tue):17.20~18:20 星期三(Wed):12.20~13.20, EE2 251/黃啟元 助教

星期一(Mon):9:00~11:00, 應用力學館 105A/陳世鵬 助教

星期五(Fri):14:00~16:00, EE2 250/Selin Bagci 助教


評分標準 Course Evaluation

1. 平時考 Quiz 60%: 四次小考選三次最高分計算學期成績

    小考 #1: Chapter 1,2,3

    小考 #2: Chapter 6

    小考 #3: Chapter 7,8

    小考 #4: Chapter 11

2. 期末考 Final 40%:All chapters

考試預定進度及時間 Quiz Information (Tentative)

The date is tentative. Actual exam date will be announced in class.

CH1. Basic Concepts(1.3)

CH2. Resistive Circuits (2.2, 2.8)

CH3. Nodal and Loop Analysis Techniques (3.1~3.6)

*Week 5 Q1 (DC Circuits and Analysis) 暫定3/21(Thu)

CH5. (Additional) Analysis Techniques (5.1, 5.2, 5.3)

Ch6. First- and Second-Order Transient Circuits (6.1, 6.2, 6.3)
(介紹部份5.1, 5.2, 5.3 內容,但不列入考試範圍 Ch5.1, 5.2, 5.3 not included)

*Week 8 Q2 (Time-Domain Analysis) 暫定4/18(Thu)

CH7. AC Steady-State Analysis (7.1~7.8)

CH8. Steady-State Power Analysis (8.1~8.7)

*Week 11 Q3 (AC Analysis) 暫定5/2(Thu)

CH11. Variable Frequency Network Performance (11.1~11.3, 11.5)

*Week 14 Q4 (Frequency-Domain Analysis) 暫定5/23(Thu)

CH12. The Laplace Transform (12.1~12.5, 12.7, 12.8)

CH13. Application of the Laplace Transform to Circuit Analysis (13.1~13.4, 13.6)

*Week 16 Final 暫定6/7(Fri)


1. 小考時間目前為暫定,並由確定小考日前一週公告為準

2. 週四若遇小考,當天就不上課。

3. 任何考試因不可抗力因素,請寄信跟老師請假,以確保權益。

4. 考試可以使用無記憶功能之計算機

** 小考因故無法於規定時間參加考試,  應比照學校正式請假程序向各班老師請假,  檢附正式證明文件,  並經各班老師審核。若請假未獲各班老師審核通過或無故未參加小考,  該次小考成績以零分計算.  若請假經各班老師審核通過,  則該次小考缺考補救方式請與各班老師協調商量, 請各位同學盡量出席考試。

1. The quiz time is currently tentative and will be announced one week before the quiz.

2. No class on Thu if there is a quiz.

3. If you can't attend the quiz and you still want to make up your grade. You should ask for leave from the teacher to ensure your rights.

4. Calculators without memory functions are allowed to bring to the quiz.

**If you are unable to take the exam at the scheduled time for some reason, you should apply for leave from the teacher of each class according to the school's formal leave application procedures and attach certification documents. If the request is not approved by the teacher or fails to take the quiz for no reason, the score of the quiz will be zero. If the request is approved by the teacher, please discuss with the teacher about the method to make up your grade.


Engineering Circuit Analysis / 12th Edition / J. David Irwin & R. Mark Nelms
